Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, January 6th

Today, we went over the table for A#9 to make sure everyone feels good about filling out the table. Then we had work time to finish A#9, I checked it off, and we did the A#9 check-in.

I also handed out additional practice/review for a quiz that will be on Tuesday (4th, 5th)/ Wednesday (3rd, 6th).  Students were told to choose at least 5 problems where the element name is not already given, and to choose a total of 10 problems. We will go over the answers on Monday and I'll collect it on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Quote of the day: "Life is like a game of hide and seek; ready or not, here I come."  -Anonymous
-What does this mean?
-How can you relate to it? or Make a connection to the world.

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